- Holmes was indicted for the murders of Benjamin, Howard, Alice and Nellie Pitezel
- Holmes' book reached the newsstands
- The Exposition influenced people until the 1950s
- Americans wanted their cities pretty and clean
- burnham developed diabetes and colitis later on in his life.
- why did sullivan start drinking later in his life?
- did he start drinkig because Olmsted died?
- why did ferris sell most of his ownership of the wheel?
- why did most of the architects lose their money?
- auction- a publicly held sale at which property or goods are sold to the highest bidder.
- asylum-an institution for the maintenance and care of the mentally ill, orphans, or other persons requiring specialized assistance.
- colitis-Inflammation of the colon.
- description of the funerals
- imagery- the description of the fair after everyone moved on
1. the fair is over and the architects try to move on with their lives.