Wednesday, December 17, 2008

THe Devil in the White City(10)


  • Holmes was indicted for the murders of Benjamin, Howard, Alice and Nellie Pitezel
  • Holmes' book reached the newsstands
  • The Exposition influenced people until the 1950s
  • Americans wanted their cities pretty and clean
  • burnham developed diabetes and colitis later on in his life.
4 questions
  1. why did sullivan start drinking later in his life?
  2. did he start drinkig because Olmsted died?
  3. why did ferris sell most of his ownership of the wheel?
  4. why did most of the architects lose their money?
3 vocabulary words
  • auction- a publicly held sale at which property or goods are sold to the highest bidder.
  • asylum-an institution for the maintenance and care of the mentally ill, orphans, or other persons requiring specialized assistance.
  • colitis-Inflammation of the colon.
2 literary terms
  1. description of the funerals
  2. imagery- the description of the fair after everyone moved on
1 overview sentence
1. the fair is over and the architects try to move on with their lives.

THe Devil in the White City(9)


  1. The Assistant District Attorney, Thomas W. Barlow, tried to keep the newspapers from Holmes the day the story ran about finding the girls.
  2. Holmes just refused to talk.
  3. He decided that writng a memoir in jail would make the people judge him less.
  4. He found a journalist named John King.
  5. Geyer returned to Indianapolis because he had a feeling Holmes had murdered Howard there.
4 questions
will people start believing Holmes?
does burnham and the rest of the architects know about this?
do you think he'll get out?
where is his first wife at this time?

3 vocabulary words
  • demeanor-conduct; behavior; deportment.
  • kiln-a furnace or oven for burning, baking, or drying something, esp. one for firing pottery, calcining limestone, or baking bricks.
  • articulated- having a joint or joints
2 literary terms
the table was a beeutiful bloddy mess- irony
he paced back and forth in his cell-stage direction

1 overview sentence
Holmes is caught and the kiln with the bones is discovered with bodies of children and dresses for kids.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

THe Devil in the White City(8)


  1. Opening Day began as a rainy day
  2. Twenty-three carriages carried the dignitaries to the park for the ceremony
  3. President Grover Cleveland gave a short address after others had spoken and turned the key to send electricity throughout the expositon grounds.
  4. workers cleaned, painted, repaired and planted, through the night so that everything looked wonderful.
  5. the ferris wheel was not completed and some of the other thongs were not ready
4 questions
who was the ferris wheel named after?
why was the fair considered open if things didn't work?
who else spoke before the electricity went through the expeditotn?
was it beautiful, better than paris's fair?

3 vocabulary words
dignitaries-a person who holds a high rank or office, as in the government or church.
expositon-a large-scale public exhibition or show, as of art or manufactured products:
economy-thrifty management; frugality in the expenditure or consumption of money, materials, etc.

2 literary terms-description- the way the people want the flowers precisely arranged
imagery - the way in which the men cleaned

1 overview sentence
the fair is now open but the attendance has slowly decreased and some of the exhibits aren't complet yet.

THe Devil in the White City(7)


  • Holmes now owns part of a legitimate company
  • He knew his time in Chicago would be ending soon because creditors were knocking at his door.
  • Holmes gave them no new info to the families of Julia and Emeline about their daughters.
  • His biggest problem the need for a secretary
  • sought out women just arriving in Chicago for the job.
4 questions
  1. why does he like killing people so much?
  2. why couln't he just make his wife secretary?
  3. is no one suspicious sbout holmes hiring so many women?
  4. why does the secretary have to be a woman?
3 vocabulary words
  • Creditors-One to whom money or its equivalent is owed.
  • alcoholism-a chronic disorder characterized by dependence on alcohol,
  • legitimate-in accordance with established rules, principles, or standards.
2 literary terms
  1. stresses the need to find a secretary
  2. descriptive way of saying what he wants
1 overview sentence
Holmes is becoming more obsessed and is now looking for a secretary.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

THe Devil in the White City(6)


  1. Burnham begins seeing his family rarely.
  2. by spring he was living full-time at the shanty located in Jackson Park
  3. 5 thousand men are slowly beginning to scrape the landscape raw
  4. General Electric offered to to the electrical job for 1.8 million dollars.
  5. The source of Burnham's greatest dismay was the failure of the architects to finish their drawings on schedule
4 questions
  • how much would 1.8 million dollars be in our time?
  • how much would 554,000 dollars be in our time?
  • did the horses that sank to their bellies die?
  • where is Zanzibar?
3 Vocabulary Words
  • toboggan-a long, narrow, flat-bottomed sled made of a thin board curved upward and backward at the front, often with low handrails on the sides, used esp. in the sport of coasting over snow or ice.
  • commissioners-A member of a commission.
  • irreparably-not reparable; incapable of being rectified, remedied, or made good: an irreparable mistake
2 literary terms
  1. the descrition of the scraped landscape
  2. the description of the drawings
1 Overview Sentence
Burnham harly gets to see his family anymore because the fair takes too much of his time.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

THe Devil in the White City(5)


  • Holmes finally meets Ned and Julia.
  • Ned begins to get suspicious about Holmes and Julia.
  • Ned a Julia begin to fight
  • Holmes sells Ned one of his stores.
  • Ned finally separates from Julia and goes to live in Illinois.
4 questions
  • how did holmes meet ned and julia?
  • why does Holmes not want to be with julia anymore?
  • why did he marvel at his kiln?
  • was he the cause of Ned's sisters death?
3 vocabulary words
decree-a formal and authoritative order, esp. one having the force of law:
liaison-a person who initiates and maintains such a contact or connection.
sullen-showing irritation or ill humor by a gloomy silence or reserve.

2 literary terms
  • repetition- the way the repeats Ned's suspicions
  • descriptive- writing- they way the author describes Ned's suspicions
1 overview sentence
Holmes is still trying to get people to buy life insurance and put him as the beneficiary.

THe Devil in the White City(4)


  • Burnham, Olmstead, Hunt, and the other architects gathered in the libraray.
  • They are beginning the process of planning what they will do with the fair.
  • They are thinking about using flowers.
  • there is some conflict between the people in charge of the fair.
  • Charles is new to the committee.
4 questions
  • why is it so hard to execute the project?
  • who were the 2 italian men?
  • when are they going to start?
  • why are criminal s going to be attracted to the fair/
3 Vocabulary words
  • birch bark-a canoe made with the bark of a birch tree
  • sanpans- A flatbottom Asian skiff usually propelled by two oars.
  • memorandum-a short note designating something to be remembered, esp. something to be done or acted upon in the future; reminder.
2 literary terms
description- the way the people want the flowers precisely arranged
description- the way Burnham explains Atwood's erratic behavior

1 overview sentence
they are beginning to plan the fair's layout.