-Cesar likes carmen
~karats - a cloak or rug of animal skins used in southern Africa.
-singing was like the joy felt when a child receives a balloon--simile
my blog is about the books i read and what they are about!
Posted by dR. VeNeSsA HiLL at 5:59 PM 0 comments
-Carmen taught Mr. Hosokawa with out having anything be translated.
-Carmen is beautiful
-She is smart
-the captives are not really afraid anymore
-this chapter is very moving/touching
4 questions:
-How old is Carmen?
-doesn't Mr. Hosokawa have a wife?
-would carmen tell Roxane who she likes?
~does Gen fit into this love triangle?
3 vocabulary
-metronome:a mechanical or electrical instrument that makes repeated clicking sounds at an adjustable pace, used for marking rhythm, esp. in practicing music.
--Avuncular-of, pertaining to, or characteristic of an uncle
- Sangfroid-coolness of mind; calmness; composure
2literary terms:
-Could turn a door knob as silently as a leaf falls---simile
-Like soldiers shot in battle, they lay where they fell---simile
1 overview sentence:
-Carmen is shot dead and everyone is grieved by her loss.
Posted by dR. VeNeSsA HiLL at 5:27 PM 0 comments
Posted by dR. VeNeSsA HiLL at 3:19 PM 0 comments
Posted by dR. VeNeSsA HiLL at 2:02 PM 0 comments
Posted by dR. VeNeSsA HiLL at 1:53 PM 0 comments
Posted by dR. VeNeSsA HiLL at 1:42 PM 0 comments
5 coments
~ they didn't know where they were
Posted by dR. VeNeSsA HiLL at 1:13 PM 0 comments
Posted by dR. VeNeSsA HiLL at 12:49 PM 0 comments
- this chapter starts out with the police outside demanding the release of the hostages
-the captors begin allowing the hostages to use the bathroom
-the hostages begin to talk more
- there is a request for ransom
- the captors want the president
4 questions
-do the people in the crowd understand italian?
-can mr. hokosawa speak english?
-who are men?
~will they harm the people?
3 vocabulary words
~Liaison: A person who intiates and maintains a contact or connection.
~Acoustics: The qualities characteristics of a room, stadium etc that determine the audibility fidelity of sounds in it.
~assemblage:a group of persons or things gathered or collected; an assembly; collection; aggregate.
2 literary terms
~It was a soft, whistling snore like a wind coming in to beneath a doorjamb--simile
~pilled through the living-room window like a cold milk and made everyone squint---simile
! overview sentence
the terrorist make the guests lay on the floor and the place is in complete silence while mr. hokosawa feels responsible because of the fact that it was his own party that he invited everyone to.
Posted by dR. VeNeSsA HiLL at 9:06 AM 0 comments