Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Cases that Haunt Us Post 1

-i like how the narrator puts his own opinion in the story
-they refer to Jack the Ripper as UNSUB
-most of the women UNSUB killed had their dresses pulled over their heads
-their intestines were pulled out and draped over their shoulders
-most of their sex organs were not found with them

4 Questions
-why do they call Jack the Ripper UNSUB?
-if the murders took place in this time period, would the police be able to catch "Jack the Ripper"?
-was UNSUB crazy or was he an obsessed man?
-how many woman in all were killed by UNSUB?

3 Vocabulary words
-postmortem~of, pertaining to, or occurring in the time following death.
-cockney~a native or inhabitant of the East End district of London, England,
-anthropophagy~the eating of human flesh; cannibalism.

2 Literary Terms
personification- the Masonic conspiracy theory continued to grow
descriptive- short, thickset man in his late thirties or early forties,with black hair, black mustache,and an unusually thick neck.

1 Overveiw Sentence
Jack the Ripper is an unidentified serial killer who mutilated the bodies of his victims in the London, England 1888.

the cases that haunt us

from Jack the ripper to johnBenet ramsey, the FBI's legendary mindhunter sheds light on the mysteries that won't go away

this book is by john douglas and mark olshaker.