Saturday, October 25, 2008

MAkes Me Wanna Holler (10) ~pgs.390-416~


  • Nathan starts having problems with one of his co-workers and he threatens to beat him up if he tries to undermine him again.
  • Monroe, who is now 16, comes to live with his father because Liz feels he is getting out of hand.
  • Nathan goes to jail for 4 days because Debbie set him up and took out a warrant against him for failing to pay child support. Nathan begins to conjure up ways on how to murder his ex-wife. He forgets about it after he gets out of jail.
  • He finds a woman who he almost killed in the past named Carolyn and her daughter may be his daughter.
  • Nathan starts thinking about all his homeboys and how he got a second chance and as the book ends, Nathan begins to realize that they had a choice but he decided to make the right choice.
4 Questions
  • Why din't Nathan get warned about telling that guy off?
  • Why is Monroe acting out with his mother but at the same time he does not like any one checking her out?
  • How come the book doesn't talk about Monroe's stepfather?
  • Why doesn't Nathan try and get custody of his other two children?
3 Vocabulary Words
  • elitist-consciousness of or pride in belonging to a select or favored group.
  • esoterica-things understood by or meant for a select few; recondite matters or items.
  • nuances-a subtle difference or distinction in expression, meaning, response, etc.
2 Literary Terms
  1. Simile- "The Atlanta Journal- Constitution to the Washigton Post was like going from college football to the pros.
  2. Flashback- When Nathan remembers the time when he and Gregg almost killed Carolyn because she jumped out of the car when she realized that Nathan and his boys were going to gang-rape her to confuse who the father of her unborn child would be. She suffered a seizure but they were afraid to go to the hospital because they thought they would go to jail. (Nathan was 18 at the time, at the time of the flashback he was 36)
1 Overview Sentence

Nathan settles down with his son and suffers alittle bit but then he realizes that he made the right choice to turn his life around.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Makes Me Wanna Holler (9) ~pgs.365-390~


  • Nathan visits Portsmouth several times since he moved away and he learns overtime that most of his "brothers" have committed suicide, they've been shot, they are in jail for murder, and they are druggies that are broke.
  • The divorce process is very ugly. Debbie is evil and she lies. She ends up staying in the house Nathan bought and they have "joint custody"
  • Nathan at some point slips into a phase where he wants to beat up Debbie because she driving him towards bankruptcy. He can't really pay his child-support.
  • Nathan's mother is stressed out about Dwight, Nathan's older brother who never has money and never pays her back.
  • Nathan gets into the Washington Post and moves to Washington D.C.
4 Questions
  • Why is Debbie so evil?
  • Will Nathan ask Bimbo for some money because he's a millionaire?
  • Does the Post pay more money than Journal-Atlanta Constitiution?
  • How is Monroe doing?
3 Vocabulary Words
  1. ashen-extremely pale; drained of color
  2. pallid-pale; faint or deficient in color; wan:
  3. entrenched-To fix firmly or securely
2 Literary Terms
  • Simile-"Eyes vacant, and hearts cold as ice in winter." (McCall 372)
  • Metaphor- "They moved with the speed and grace of gazelles."(McCall 373)
1 Overview sentence
  1. Nathan gets a costly divorce and realizes that he could've been like the rest of the gang but he gets a job with the Washington Post and moves further north.

Makes Me Wanna Holler (8) ~pgs. 329-364~


  • Nathan's relationship with his wife begin to diminsh while his reltionship with his children begin to flourish.
  • Nathan begins realizing that not all white people are bad. He makes his first real white friend Danny.
  • Nathan's past begins to haunt him.
  • He begins traveling to Europe and other places.
  • Debbie gets divorce papers after Nathan, during a argument, implies on getting one. Maya, his daughter gets sick with something that could turn out to be meningitis.
4 Questions
  • Did Danny ever return from Africa to visit Nathan?
  • Why do Nathan and Debbie argue when everyone is healthy and OK?
  • Will Nathan sign the divorce papers?
  • Will he continue in the marriage just for his children?
3 Vocabulary words
  1. camaraderie-good-fellowship.
  2. spliff-a marijuana cigarette, esp. a large or very potent one.
  3. bureau-a division of a government department or an independent administrative unit.
2 Literary Terms
  • metaphor-"She Froze" (McCall 356)
  • oxymoron-"I'd be a walking, breathing, living dead man." (McCall 354)
1 Overview Sentence

As Nathan begins loosening up around whites, his marriage begins to fade enabling more problems to arise.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Makes Me Wanna Holler (7) ~pgs. 278-328~


  • Nathan meets an begins dating Debbie.(I hope Nathan gets back with Liz)
  • Debbie gets pregnant and Nathan is not really happy about it.
  • They move to Atlanta where Nathan begins covering more storie but he can't seem to enjoy Atlanta because he wanted to be there alone.
  • Debbie gives birth to Ian Bakari McCall and they're relationship begins to fall apart because Debbie, that's right Debbie, is abusive towards Nathan but he can't even defend himself because the officers will always take the woman's side. He moves out.
  • He eventually decides to give her another chance and then she gets pregnant. i can't believe it. Nathan can't believe it either an he gets mad but when he holds his baby girl for the first time he, for the first time, falls in love with her and decides to marry Debbie just cause she had 2 kids by him.
4 Questions
  • Why does Nathan have to get intimate so quickly with people he just met?
  • What is it that makes him truly love his baby daughter?
  • Why does Debbie's family have to get in their business so much?
  • Does Liz know about Nathan's other kids?
3 Vocabulary Words
  • frumpy-A person regarded as colorless and primly sedate.
  • Lamaze-Relating to or being a method of childbirth in which the expectant mother is prepared psychologically and physically to give birth without the use of drugs.
  • rendezvoused-an agreement between two or more persons to meet at a certain time and place.
2 Literary TErms
  • The way Nathan describes the way he felt about Maya, his new daughter.
  • The way NAthan continuously describes the faults of whites and blacks in journalism.
1 Overview Sentence

Nathan brings a baby girl into the world and unwillingly gets married to Debbie along with other things he comes across everyday.

Makes Me Wanna Holler (6) ~ pgs. 237-276~


  • Nathan continues going to college and he graduates but does not go to his own graduation which he now regrets.

  • He briefly becomes a Muslim and gets briefly married to Yvette becasue Muslims were supposed to be married.

  • He landed a job as a reporter for The Virginian Pilot Ledger Star and was surrounded by whites but they were not a hostile as when he was growing up.

  • He had to modify his pimp and stumbled a lot while doing so.

  • Nathan gets his own aparment and meets his father for the first time in his life.

4 Questions

  • Why didn't Nathan's father care about him?

  • Why was it so hard to find a job?

  • Where did Yvette eventually go to after the divorce?

  • Does Nathan want to go to Florida and visit his 9 yr old son?

3 Vocabulary Words

  • assimilate-to take in and incorporate as one's own

  • amorphous-lacking definite form; having no specific shape; formless

  • gregarious-fond of the company of others; sociable.
2 Literary Terms
  • The way Nathan describes his feelings towards his father without actually saying anything.
  • Nathan foreshadows a lot of things that are to happen chapters later in the book.
1 Overview sentence
Nathan starts readjusting to life and he is beginning to realize that his past is far behind him.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Makes Me Wanna Holler (5) ~pgs. 179- 237~


  • Nathan works in the library in the Southampton jail

  • He is beginning to read a lot more

  • Liz finally tells him she is seeing someone else and he cries for about two days strraight then he vows to never take woman for granted once he got out.

  • He eventually does three of the twelve years in prison because the parole board decided that he should let out.

  • He stops being bad and decides to become a journalist but he has to find a job that will accept him since he is a convicted felon.

4 Questions

  • Why does Nathan still not feel that fatherly connection with his son when he gets out of jail? (his son is 5)

  • Is he dating Yvette Johnson?

  • Why is Nathan so down?
  • Since when did Nathan have a younger brother?
3 Vocabulary Words
  • bicentennial-pertaining to or in honor of a 200th anniversary
  • vernacular-expressed or written in the native language of a place, as literary works
  • beaucoup-many; numerous; much
2 Literary Terms
  • Dialogue-Then he asked, "What are you in for, McCall?" I said, "Armed robbery."(McCall 216)
  • Descriptive Passage - "I remember clearly that snowy February day in 1978 when i was released from the joint. my homies gathered on the sidewalk that morning and watched me leave. As i climbed into the car and my mother drove off, I cast a long, hard look at the prison, tears began streaming uncontrollably down my face." (McCall 223)
1 Overview Sentence

Nathan, luckily, served only three years of his twelve year sentence and now that he is free, he begins job hunting and he finds an interest in continuing college.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Makes Me Wanna Holler (4) ~pgs. 127-178~


  • Nathan prefers to do drugs rather than sell them.(Nathan is now 20 yrs. old)
  • He begins to feel that he his losing it and that his mom was right all along.
  • Nathan get involved with Nutbrain and Charlie Gregg who are real thieves and they make a ton of money.
  • Nathan and the two guys get caught and Nathan goes to jail for 12 years while the other guys only get ten. (Nathan was the one holding the gun at the time.)
  • Nathan begins reading Native Son by Richard Wright in jail and he decides he wants to marry Liz and have a jail wedding.
(Nathan is now 20 yrs. old)

4 Questions
  • Why does Nathan have to be so lazy?
  • How come Nathan didn't listen to his conscious on the night he was caught?
  • Why do the inmates get so much freedom inside jail?
  • How much time does Mo Battle have to do?
3 Vocabulary Words
  • pawns- the least valuable pieces on the chessboard
  • resignation-an accepting, unresisting attitude, state, etc.; submission;
  • burly- large in bodily size; stout; sturdy
2 Literary Terms
  • setting- the jail in Porstmouth, Virginia
  • descriptive- "The dude with the lightest sentences, a tall, burly guy, with greasy hair, was wailing loudest." (McCall 149)
1 Overview Sentence

Nathan must suffer the consequences, not only for robbing the the McDonalds, but for robbing himself of becoming important in life, so now he must now serve 12 long years behind the bars he, for so long, dreaded.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Makes ME Wanna Holler (3) ~pgs.89-126~


  • Nathan finally gets a job.

  • Starts sticking up people and robbing them of their money and clothes with his buddy Shell Shock.

  • Nathan begins to fall in love with Liz (a girl from school) and gets her pregnant.

  • Graduates from high school.

  • Nathan has a son and he shoots Plaz for disrespecting him and his lady (Liz)

4 Questions

  • Why didn't Nathan just listen to Liz when she told him to forget about Plaz?

  • Is being a street boy preventing Nathan from truly his son, Monroe?

  • Why does Nathan have to start selling refeer if he knows he's too lazy to do it?

  • Do Liz and Nathan still love each other?

3 Vocabulary Words

  • fedora-a soft felt hat with a curled brim, worn with the crown creased lengthwise.
  • transvestites-A person who dresses and acts in a style or manner traditionally associated with the opposite sex.
  • quaalude-a brand of methaqualone.

2 Literary Terms

  • synechdocche-"I had toppled an old-head." (McCall 121)
  • simile- "The carnival graounds, meanwhile, had turned chaotic. People ran screaming everywhere. It was like one of those movies where a mosnter is trampling through a city..." (McCall 119)

1 Overview Sentence

Nathan, falls in love, graduates from high school, has a boy, and shoots someone all in the same summer.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Makes Me Wanna Holler (2) ~pgs.66-88~


  • High School was a turnig point for Nathan McCall.
  • Nathan was "this" close to killing a guy with a gun.
  • Nathan was "this" close to dying from being badly beaten by a rival gang.
  • Nathan fired a gun into a crowd of a rival gang and the bullet grazed someones hand.
  • The war between the Down town boys and the Manor screwed up members love lives.
4 Questions
  • Why didn't Nathan get in trouble by a cop for carrying a knife?
  • Did Nathan break up with Nita?
  • Does he still have feelings for Denise?
  • Why can't Nathan just admit that he loves his gang members? (brotherly love)
3 Vocabulary Words
  • Arsenal-a collection or supply of weapons or munitions
  • Clash-to come together or collide
  • Intuitive-capable of being perceived
2 Literary Words
  • descriptive writing- the way Nathan descrided his own beating
  • foreshadowing-when Nathan talks about when his brother joined the army in the future.
1 Overwiew Sentence
1. Nathan is evolving into a true gangster and he is beginning to learn that, with a gun, the power to kill someone is literary at his fingertips.

Makes Me wanna Holler (1) ~pgs.1-66~


  • The book starts out with Nathan at 15, beating up a white boy with a group of other black kids.
  • The book officially starts out with Nathan moving to Cavalier Manor at 9 years old
  • Before he started "hanging", Nathan believed that white people had more fun.
  • Nathan went to a white school in the beginning of his 6th grade year but eventually had to move because they harassed him.
  • When Nathan started to go to Waters with his older brothers, he started noticing everything. He wanted to become cool and so he stared "hanging" with about 15 boys and that's where the trouble started.
4 Questions
  • Why was it such a big deal to Nathan at age 14/15 to be able to beat up people of his own race?
  • If Nathans' parents did not give him a curfew, do you think he would be better off?
  • Why didn't his parents stop him from "hanging" with his boys when he was caught stealing?
  • Why doesn't Nathan mother not want to talk to him about sex and it's dangers due to the fact that she got pregnant a 13 with her first son?
3 Vocabulary Words
  • Scrimped- to be excessively sparing with or of.
  • Incessant- continuing without interruption
  • Napoleonic-pertaining to, resembling, or suggestive of Napoleon I
2 Literary Terms
  • personification- "I saw them eyeing us, and we returned the hostile glares." (McCall 66)
  • allusion- "...we expected to pick up the mantle when our time came." (McCall 63)
1 Overview Sentence
  1. Nathan McCall starts out as a smart kid but as he gets older he begins living the life of a gangster.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I Got It!

Hey guys an gals, guess what? i have finally gotten by biography book. the tile of it is Makes Me Wanna Holler. It's by Nathan McCall about Nathan McCall. It's a memoir and it is about how him being a young black boy in America. On the back of the book, it explains that Nathan was a smart kid but by age 15, he beginns embarking on a criminal career.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Hey Everyone!

Hey guys and gals! i do not have my ROAR book yet due to library card issues but trust me, I'll get a book.......somehow and whatever it is, it'll be good!