- Nathan finally gets a job.
- Starts sticking up people and robbing them of their money and clothes with his buddy Shell Shock.
- Nathan begins to fall in love with Liz (a girl from school) and gets her pregnant.
- Graduates from high school.
- Nathan has a son and he shoots Plaz for disrespecting him and his lady (Liz)
4 Questions
- Why didn't Nathan just listen to Liz when she told him to forget about Plaz?
- Is being a street boy preventing Nathan from truly his son, Monroe?
- Why does Nathan have to start selling refeer if he knows he's too lazy to do it?
- Do Liz and Nathan still love each other?
3 Vocabulary Words
- fedora-a soft felt hat with a curled brim, worn with the crown creased lengthwise.
- transvestites-A person who dresses and acts in a style or manner traditionally associated with the opposite sex.
- quaalude-a brand of methaqualone.
2 Literary Terms
- synechdocche-"I had toppled an old-head." (McCall 121)
- simile- "The carnival graounds, meanwhile, had turned chaotic. People ran screaming everywhere. It was like one of those movies where a mosnter is trampling through a city..." (McCall 119)
1 Overview Sentence
Nathan, falls in love, graduates from high school, has a boy, and shoots someone all in the same summer.
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