- Nathan prefers to do drugs rather than sell them.(Nathan is now 20 yrs. old)
- He begins to feel that he his losing it and that his mom was right all along.
- Nathan get involved with Nutbrain and Charlie Gregg who are real thieves and they make a ton of money.
- Nathan and the two guys get caught and Nathan goes to jail for 12 years while the other guys only get ten. (Nathan was the one holding the gun at the time.)
- Nathan begins reading Native Son by Richard Wright in jail and he decides he wants to marry Liz and have a jail wedding.
4 Questions
- Why does Nathan have to be so lazy?
- How come Nathan didn't listen to his conscious on the night he was caught?
- Why do the inmates get so much freedom inside jail?
- How much time does Mo Battle have to do?
- pawns- the least valuable pieces on the chessboard
- resignation-an accepting, unresisting attitude, state, etc.; submission;
- burly- large in bodily size; stout; sturdy
- setting- the jail in Porstmouth, Virginia
- descriptive- "The dude with the lightest sentences, a tall, burly guy, with greasy hair, was wailing loudest." (McCall 149)
Nathan must suffer the consequences, not only for robbing the the McDonalds, but for robbing himself of becoming important in life, so now he must now serve 12 long years behind the bars he, for so long, dreaded.
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