- this particular story is about peter i think.
- he is drving home in freeznig cold weather
- his car slams into a snowbank and he gets out of his car to try and ski the rest of the way.
- unfortunatley he doesn't make it far and his temp begins to drop until he blacksout.
- he is found and has to be put in warm water and has to have warm fluids flow through him.
- why didn' he just stay in the car?
- why din't he have his cellphone with him again?
- when would he have died if he wasn't found when he was?
- was his jeep a four wheel drive?
sternum- the ventral surface of a body segment of an arthropod.
apathy-absence or suppression of passion, emotion, or excitement.
stupor-suspension or great diminution of sensibility, as in disease or as caused by narcotics, intoxicants, etc
2 literary terms
- personification- dead silence
- simile-fear is a concept that floats somewhere beyond your immediate reach, like that numb hand lying naked in the snow.
Peter starts of his book with his own personal death experience one frigid winter's day.
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