- this second story is about a college kid named Matt who loves to kayak
- he and his friends go somewhere in China to the best river ever.
- all his friends dont think it is a good idea to try it but Matt does and eventually falls into the river hole
- he is stuck there for awhile and the book goes trough how much breath is left in in his body.
- Matt eventually starts going crazy because the water keeps pushing him down and Matt eventually dies.
- i thought this book was about near death experience, why did he die?
- why did his friends wait so long to get help?
- were they even aware at first that he was unable to resurface?
- did the Chinese officer even care?
polypropylene-used chiefly for molded parts, electrical insulation, packaging, and fibers for wearing apparel.
inexorably-unyielding; unalterable:
anaerobic-pertaining to or caused by the absence of oxygen
2 literary terms
simile-the way it flows around obstacles like rocks
simile-pressure inside his chest, almost like an infalting balloon.
1 overview sentence
Matt's dream vacation is now the cause of his death he probably woul not want to die anywhere else.
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