- zach and jason are friends and they are on an adventure in Sumatra
-they meets some girls and zach begins to talk to them
-a mosquito is sitting near-by and she is pregnant
-she has the malaria infection in her saliva and when she bites zach, he then has malaria
- he goes through 3 days of symptoms and he and his friend decide to go to the hospital where he eventually dies
4 questions
- why does the mosquito not bite the others that she passes over?
-did the vampire myth come from mosquitos?
-how many eggs were inside her?
-how could it have been prevented?
3 vocabulary words
sinewy-having strong sinews
quinine-a white, bitter, slightly water-soluble alkaloid, C2 0H2 4N2O2, having needlelike crystals, obtained from cinchona bark: used in medicine chiefly in the treatment of resistant forms of malaria.
phosphorescence- any luminous radiation emitted from a substance after the removal of the exciting agent.
2 literary terms
metaphor- an overheated lizard writhing on the floor
simile- thick wads of parasitized red blood cells clog in the tiny capillaries of zach's brain like fallen leaves plugging a rainspout
1 overview sentence
zach and jasoon adventure ends with zach dying from a malaria infected mosquito bite.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Last Breath post10
Posted by dR. VeNeSsA HiLL at 4:37 PM 0 comments
Last breath post 9
-robert is in spain
-he wants to look for buried treasure
-he goes to see this old lady and she warns him of bubbles
-bubbles is something that happens to scuba divers
- he dies when too much nitrigen bubbles enter his blood stream
4 questions
- what did he want to find?
- was felix his friend?
-was he just hired to "chauffeur"?
- where are they headed to now?
3 vocabulary words
affinity-a natural liking for or attraction to a person, thing, idea
infused-to imbue or inspire (usually fol. by with):
hemoglobin- the oxygen-carrying pigment of red blood cells that gives them their red color and serves to convey oxygen to the tissues:
2 literary terms
simile- he fizzed inside like a just-opened bottle of soda
irony- the problem was not lack o air but too much air
1 overview sentence
robert dies after too mouch air enters his lungs during a dive for treasure
Posted by dR. VeNeSsA HiLL at 4:17 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 9, 2009
LAst BReath post 8
-mary and gil are on their honeymoon in australia
- they get into an argument but make up shortly after
- Mary decides that she wants to go swimming in the deserted beach but gill wants to stay on his towel
- mary dives into the water and then feels a shrap pain, she's been stung by a jellyfish.
-when she begins thrashing in the water, gill immediatley realizes what happens and finally drags her to the surface where he preforms CPR and her chest begins to rise and fall
4 questions
-did they love eachother?
-where was the jellyfish after it stung mary?
-if it found gil would it stings him to?
-would it have the same effect?
3 vocabulary words
profusion-abundance; abundant quantity.
ardent-having, expressive of, or characterized by intense feeling; passionate
dermocronetic- relating to or causing necrosisof the skin
2 Literary terms
simile- the warm tropical water soothed her skin like a mineral bath
foreshadow-they'd put her on a respirator if she still needed it
1 overview sentence
mary and gil are on they're honeymoon whne mary decides to swim and then unfortunately she gets stung by a jellyfish
Posted by dR. VeNeSsA HiLL at 5:21 PM 0 comments
Last Breath post 7
- the man in this story is a rock climber
- he is climbing
-he slips from the fall and falls about a 100 ft.
- he wakes up on a ledge and discovers he has a broken leg and spleen and he eventually props his foot.
-he dies a day later and is found in exactly the same position that he died in, six years ago
4 questions
- why didn't he just not go climbing that day?
- why was it good that Antoni didn't come to work on monday?
-would he have survived if he had some rope?
- woudl he have died at a later time if he didn't shout that last shout?
3 vocabulary words
prosaic-commonplace or dull; matter-of-fact or unimaginative
centrifugal-moving or directed outward from the center
idyll-a simple descriptive or narrative piece in verse or pros
2 literary terms
simile- blood-filled mass hit the ledge, it split open like a ripe cantaloupe dropped on the sidewalk.
onomatopoeia- clickety clickety clickety goes his right knee
1 overview sentence
the man falls off a ledge, dies a day later, and his remains are found 6 years later by a hunter.
Posted by dR. VeNeSsA HiLL at 3:29 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 8, 2009
last breath post 6
-this story was a bout a biker
-she wants to win the race but she is really tired and hot but she does not want to stop because tof the money
-she crashes and she loses consiousness and her temperature starts rising rapidly.
-she vomits repeatedly and has a heatsroke
-when she is finally found the deputy searches for a pulse
4 questions
-wasn't there any cameras watching the race?
-where in the country were they?
-did she live?
-if she did what disabilities might she have?
3 vocabulary words
hemorrhage-a profuse discharge of blood, as from a ruptured blood vessel; bleeding.
sheathing-to enclose in or as if in a casing or covering
vomitus-the act of vomiting
2 literary words
simile- she was as hot as the sun
personification- the sun burned her
1overview sentence
A woman suffers a heatstroke while bike racing down the Appalachian Mountains
Posted by dR. VeNeSsA HiLL at 1:13 PM 0 comments
Last Breath post 5
- Phil is on a boat
-his girlfriend broke up with him because she wanted to settle down
-he sailed right into a storm
-he didnt bring much food
-he survied because his ex-girlfriend had packed him some foood without his knowing.
4 questions
-why didnt he pack extra food?
-what is a scurvy?
-what year is this?
-is his ex-girlfriend married now?
3 vocabulary words
pithy- brief, forceful, and meaningful in expression; full of vigor, substance, or meaning; terse; forcible
scurvy-contemptible; despicable; mean
foliage-the leaves of a plant, collectively; leafage.
1 Overview Sentence
Phil almost dies after he sets sail with not enough food.
Posted by dR. VeNeSsA HiLL at 12:48 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 2, 2009
last Breath post 4
- dougie and his two friends go snowboarding
- dougie and his friends find a bowl and at first dougie is scared to try it.
- when he finally has the guts he tries it out.
- he loves the feeling of the wind in his hair but then he hears a rumble.
- dougie gets trapped under the avalanche. he is stuck there for a while but luckily he had his tranmitter with him and he was saved.
4 questions
- does dougie love his child?
- are jeremy and kayla together?
- how long would it be until dougie died?
- howcome the transmitter isn't loud?
3 vocabulary words
- aficionados-an ardent devotee; fan, enthusiast.
- adhering-to stay attached; stick fast; cleave; cling (usually fol. by to):
- reverberated-to reecho or resound
2 literary terms
- the snow wrapped itself around my hands and feet.
- the snow was a blanket bounding me tighlty.
1 overview sentence
dougie and his friends go snowboarding and dougie hets caught in an avalanche but he is saved just in the nick of time.
Posted by dR. VeNeSsA HiLL at 9:22 AM 0 comments
LAst Breath post 3
- a group of girls go hiking up a mountain.
- adrian gets mountian sickness.
- all her other friends decide to try to go down the mountsin slowly with her.
- a group of indians that live on the mountin come to help them when the storm comes
- adrian dies and her friends are really upset.
4 questions
- did they have telephones with them?
- did adrian have any family?
- what did they do to her body after she died?
- will they ever go mountain climbing again?
3 vocabulary words
- whapped-verb (used with object), verb (used without object), whapped, whap⋅ping, noun
- tangible-capable of being touched; discernible by the touch; material or substantial
- edema-effusion of serous fluid into the interstices of cells in tissue spaces or into body cavitie
2 literary terms
- the story was very descriptive about the way the mountains affect the lungs
- simile- adrian was as pale as a sheet of paper
1 overview sentence
this story was about a group of girls who go climbing a mountain and they return with one less person.
Posted by dR. VeNeSsA HiLL at 8:52 AM 0 comments