- a group of girls go hiking up a mountain.
- adrian gets mountian sickness.
- all her other friends decide to try to go down the mountsin slowly with her.
- a group of indians that live on the mountin come to help them when the storm comes
- adrian dies and her friends are really upset.
4 questions
- did they have telephones with them?
- did adrian have any family?
- what did they do to her body after she died?
- will they ever go mountain climbing again?
3 vocabulary words
- whapped-verb (used with object), verb (used without object), whapped, whap⋅ping, noun
- tangible-capable of being touched; discernible by the touch; material or substantial
- edema-effusion of serous fluid into the interstices of cells in tissue spaces or into body cavitie
2 literary terms
- the story was very descriptive about the way the mountains affect the lungs
- simile- adrian was as pale as a sheet of paper
1 overview sentence
this story was about a group of girls who go climbing a mountain and they return with one less person.
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